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Runebound Rituals and Runes
In the fight for glory and power, only one type of magic is more powerful than the legendary Runestones, and that is ritual magic. This expansion introduces a powerful new type of Item, rituals, which require you to roll and expend certain terrain symbols before they can be used. The trade-off: they are far more powerful and versatile than other Items of the same cost. This expansion includes 30 new market deck cards.Sprache | Englisch |
Alter | ab 12 Jahren |
Spieleranzahl | 2-6 |
Spieldauer | 120-180 Minuten |
Die CD-Box enthält: Druckvorlagen für...
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Im vielfach ausgezeichneten Kartenspiel Port...
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C3K, which stands for "Creatures Crossover...
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10,90 €
A killing frost grips the land… Travel...
Anker lichten und Segel setzen: Port Royal...
9,90 €
Mists of Zanaga, an expansion for the wildly...