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Kompatibilität mit Boxen der 1. und 2. Ausgabemit Deckel für alle Kartenfelder, Fallen, Hindernisse und Schätze mit einem Hinweis auf der Seite, um zu wissen, welche Box Sie für alle Monstermarker aus einer Box mit zwei Ebenen herausnehmen werdenEine geräumige Doppelschichtbox für alle Monsterkarten, Standees und verschiedene Tokeneine einzigartige...
Get organizer with our carefully designed box insert for those games who own both: King of Tokyo and King of New York. This organizer will keep all your monsters, dice, cards and game components perfectly stored between gameplays. Use the two game boxes to make an ultimate storage box.
On an uninhabited island in uncharted seas, explorers have found traces of a great civilization. Now you will lead an expedition to explore the island, find lost artifacts, and face fearsome guardians, all in a quest to learn the island's secrets. To help you with your expedition, we have created an organizer that makes setting up the game faster and...
Here they are! The Expedition Leaders have arrived to spice up your adventures in exploring Arnak’s ruins and in fighting the challenges that await in the jungle. By replacing some parts of your Arnak Organizer with the Upgrade Kit, you will be able to store the elements of the Expedition Leaders expansion in the base game box. With the new card stand,...