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In einer nicht sehr fernen Zukunft gelingt es Wissenschaftlern eine sehr besondere Art von Stein auf einem anderen Planeten zu entdecken. Sammelt man drei dieser Steine, verbinden sie sich entweder zu einem sehr viel wertvolleren Edelstein oder zu Treibstoff. Kurz nachdem du von dieser erstaunlichen Entdeckung gehört hast, beschließt du zu dem neuen...
It’s time to venture forth and find some fresh sea air! In TROLLHALLA, you join forces with your fellow trolls to sail the seas in search of islands filled with pillage and plunder. Crunchy livestock, nervous monks, panicked princesses, piles of gold, and casks of grog await you! But watch out for Billy Goats—if you’re not careful they will knock parts of...
Troyes is a strategy game in which you represent a rich family from the Champagne region of France, using your influence to recruit and supervise individuals from the three prominent domains: military (associated with the color red in every aspect of the game), religious (white), and civil (yellow). Each domain offers different benefi ts: The military...
What's new in Tsuro of the Seas are daikaiju tiles, representing sea monsters and other creatures of the deep. Notably, daikaiju can move: each tile has five arrows, four for moving in each of the cardinal directions and another one for rotation. On the active player's turn, he rolls two six-sided dice, on a sum of 6, 7, or 8, the daikaiju will move,...
Tulpenfieber - Soweit das Auge reicht!Rot, Gelb, Blau, Weiß – Tulpen in verschiedensten Farben wachsen auf deinen Feldern. Mit paßenden Würfelergebnißen erhältst du weitere wertvolle Tulpen. Diese verschaffen dir zusätzliche Würfel, Zusatzwürfe – und schließlich den Sieg. Denn nur wer die wertvollsten Tulpen besitzt, hat am Ende die Nase vorn.Tulpenfieber...
In a time when early sea-faring Polynesians roamed the Pacific they came across the archipelago of Tungaru, today also known as Gilbert Islands. Rich in nutrients and resources they set about colonising these lands and spreading their culture. Tungaru sets players as early Polynesians in this dice placement and resource conversion, medium-weight euro...