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Air show is a game about the creation and management of collections and museums of historic aircraft, which are kept in perfect flying condition for display to the public and reliving the history of aviation. The aircraft represented in the game are all real and they are all aircraft that currently are part of collections and museums in different...
During play, players' reputations will go up and down. After six rounds and a final exhibition, reputation will be converted into points. Points will also be scored for artifacts and grants. Then the secrets of alchemy are revealed and players score points or lose points based on whether their theories were correct. Whoever has the most points at the end...
Die Menschheit hat das All im Sturm eingenommen. Bis an die Grenzen der Galaxie verbreitet, haben sie unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten, Kulturen und Zivilisationen entwickelt. Die Entdeckung mächtiger Artefakte eines alten Alienvolkes hat die Entwicklung der Menschheit noch beschleunigt und zu einer Eskalation der Konflikte zwischen den Fraktionen geführt,...
„Altiplano“ von Reiner Stockhausen, mit der stimmungsvollen und augenzwinkernden Grafik von Klemens Franz für 2-5 Hochebenenbewohner ab ca. 12 Jahren und einer Spieldauer von 60 – 120 Minuten.
Starting with the first player and going clockwise around the table, each player in turn activates a character. Each player has 3 action tokens, enabling the activation of 3 characters and/or couples. A player’s turn consists of activating a character by placing an action token on the card and choosing one of the 4 action series (which each may consist of...