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Modern Society is a game about our time, the world we live in. It covers aspects from Equality to Organic Food, from War in Iraq to Torture Scandal, to Youth Culture, Women's Priesthood and beyond. Those are but few aspects the players wrestle with as they try to convince the deep rows of the people behind their own agenda. The players all live in the...
Geld regiert die Welt! Vollkommen gleich ob man auf den Euro oder den Dollar setzt, der richtige Riecher ist entscheidend. Ständig bieten und tauschen die Spieler Geld um fette Kohle zu machen. Doch abgerechnet wird am Schluß. Dann kriegt Rockefeller Konkurrenz!
Each player takes a set of four cards with red, yellow or green – just like a typical stoplight! You win if you are the first to place 5 cards in a row, diagonally or horizontally (not vertically) with wild cards and blockers making this more difficult than you might think. Stoplights is a perfect game to introduce strategic thinking, logic and patterns...
In Venture, players follow in the footsteps of Carnegie and Rockefeller, as they try to acquire lucrative conglomerates, manipulate vast holdings, and instigate proxy fights to gain control of key corporations from other players. The game comes with two decks of cards—Resources and Corporations. The Resource cards picture prominent venture capitalists of...