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Deploy your fleet to the forest moon of Endor, and engage the enemy in an epic collision between capital ships and starfighter squadrons. Evoking the final, climactic chapters of the classic Star Wars trilogy, the Death Star II Playmat makes a perfect backdrop for your biggest and most important battles, reminding you of all that is at stake as the second...
The Battlefields Basing Set is a spectacular value set, pumped full of the best basing materials in the industry. It contains everything needed to make spectacular bases in an almost endless variety.
The Battlefields Basing Set is a spectacular value set, pumped full of the best basing materials in the industry. It contains everything needed to make spectacular bases in an almost endless variety.
As far as product value goes, this sets is an absolute high-score. Contains a special Plastic Frame cutter with extra fine point for precision work, a scalpel knife for removing flash and cutting plus a 12ml. of The Army Painters amazing model Plastic Glue. Everything you need to get you started on assembling those plastic regiments.
Startspieler wird als folierter Kartenpack in der unverschweißten Faltschachtel geliefert. Das Tool spricht Vielspieler ebenso an wie alle, die öfter mal schnell eine Person aus einer Gruppe auswählen müssen wie Lehrerinnen, Erzieher usw. Wer am Tisch hat die höchste Hausnummer? Oder wer hat letzte Nacht am wenigsten geschlafen? Wer beherrscht die meisten...